Anand K Subramanian

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calendar-icon 31 May 2022

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Parallelizing Kalman Filters

The associative property of Kalman (Bayesian) filters can yield a parallel algorithm in O(log N).

Parallel scan or the Associative scan algorithm is a popular parallel computing technique that is used to parallelize sequential algorithms using the associative property of that algorithm. This technique is a generalization of the earlier and much more popular prefix sum algorithm (summing operation is associative).

Consider a sequential algorithm \(\mathcal A\) that runs in \(\mathcal O(N)\). By definition, at each step \(t\), the computation \(a_t\) depends on the previous result \(a_{t-1}\) through some associative operation \(\otimes\). The set of all the prefix-sums for \(N\) steps is therefore

\[ (a_1, a_1 \otimes a_2, \ldots ,a_1 \otimes \cdots \otimes a_N ) \]

Many common operations are associative like addition, subtraction, maximum, minimum, and so on. The parallel computation of the above generalized prefix-sum is called the scan operation [1]. A prefix-scan algorithm taken in an array \(a_1,a_2, \ldots, a_N\) and computes the array \(a_1, (a_1 \otimes a_2), \ldots ,(a_1 \otimes \cdots \otimes a_N) \)

def prefix_scan(op, A: np.ndarray):
    Pseudocode for the inplace parallel prefix scan.
    reference: GPU Gems 3 Chapter 39

    op  = Associative binary operator
    A   = Sequence of elements

    prefix_scan(np.add, np.array([1,2,3,4,5,6,7]))

    N = A.shape[0]
    res = A.copy()  # Inplace
    log_n = np.log2(N).astype(int)

    def _up_sweep(res, i, j):
        l = j + 2 ** i - 1
        r = j + 2 ** (i + 1) - 1
        res[r] = op(res[l], res[r]) 
        # Order matters, as the operator 
        # need not be commutative

    def _down_sweep(res, i, j):
        l = j + 2 ** i - 1
        r = j + 2 ** (i + 1) - 1
        res[l], res[r] = res[r], op(res[r], res[l])

    # Up sweep
    for i in range(log_n):
        # Do in parallel (O(log N))
        for j in range(0, N, 2 ** (i + 1)):
            _up_sweep(res, i, j)

    res[-1] = 0

    # Down sweep
    for i in range(log_n - 1, -1, -1):
        # Do in parallel (O(log N))
        for j in range(0, N, 2 ** (i + 1)):
            _down_sweep(res, i, j)
    # Do in parallel (O(log N))
    res = op(res, A)
    return res

For our purposes, by parallelization we really mean a SIMD implementation - where the same operation is carried over different data points in parallel. This is also called vectorization in practice. The parallel prefix-sum is, thus, a vectorized cumulative sum algorithm.

Parallelizing Kalman Filter

The logic flow of parallelizing the Kalman filter involves the following steps - Kalman filtering is sequential i.e. it is \(\mathcal O(N)\); Kalman filtering is associative; therefore, Kalman filter can be parallelized using the associative scan algorithm[2].

Sequential Kalman Filter

Kalman Filter illustration.

Kalman filtering is a special (Gaussian) case of more general class of Bayesian filters. Given a system with its internal(hidden) state as a set of variables \(\mathbf x_k\) and set of variables \(\mathbf y_k\) that can be observed/measured at time step \(k\), we are interested in the following[3]

The Kalman filter assumes the following model for the system

\[ \begin{aligned} \mathbf x_k &\sim p(\mathbf x_k | \mathbf x_{k-1}) &&= \mathcal N(\mathbf x_k; \mathbf A_{k-1}\mathbf x_{k-1}, \mathbf Q_k) &&= \mathbf A_{k-1}\mathbf x_{k-1} + q_{k-1} &&& \color{OrangeRed} \text{State transition}\\ \mathbf y_k &\sim p(\mathbf y_k | \mathbf x_k) &&= \mathcal N(\mathbf y_k; \mathbf H_{k}\mathbf x_k, \mathbf R_k) &&= \mathbf H_{k}\mathbf x_k + r_k &&& \color{Teal} \text{Measurement model} \end{aligned} \]

Where \(\mathbf A_k, \mathbf H_k\) are the state transition and measurement model matrices respectively, and \(q_k \sim \mathcal N(\mathbf 0, \mathbf Q_k), r_k \sim \mathcal N(\mathbf 0, \mathbf R_k)\) are the process noise and measurement noise respectively. For a sequential computation, Kalman filter assumes the Markov property where \(\mathbf x_k\) is independent of past \(\mathbf y_{1:k-1}\) given \(\mathbf y_k\). The Kalman filter then computes the above two distributions alternatively - called predict and update in practice. Since the assumed model is completely Gaussian, the marginal distributions are also Gaussians can be computed in closed form[4].

Consider at time step \(k\), we measure \(\mathbf y_k\). The corresponding filtering and predictive distributions at \(k\) are \(p(\mathbf x_k | \mathbf y_{1:k})\) and \(p(\mathbf x_k | \mathbf y_{1:k-1})\). From Bayes' rule,

\[ \begin{aligned} p(\mathbf x_k|\mathbf y_{1:k}) &= \frac{p(\mathbf y_k | \mathbf x_k, \mathbf y_{1:k-1})p(\mathbf x_k | \mathbf y_{1:k-1})}{p(\mathbf y_{1:k})} = \frac{p(\mathbf y_k | \mathbf x_k)p(\mathbf x_k | \mathbf y_{1:k-1})}{p(\mathbf y_{1:k})} \\ p(\mathbf x_k | \mathbf y_{1:k-1}) &= \int p(\mathbf x_k | \mathbf x_{k-1}) p(\mathbf x_{k-1} | \mathbf y_{1:k-1}) d \mathbf x_{k-1} \end{aligned} \]

From the above equations, it is clear that the predict and update steps can be done iteratively as they are dependent upon each other. Starting from a prior distribution \(\mathbf x_0 \sim \mathcal N(\mathbf m_0, \mathbf P_0)\), predict step can be computed as

\[ \begin{aligned} \mathbf m'_k &= \mathbf A_{k-1}\mathbf m_{k-1} \\ \mathbf P'_k &= \mathbf A_{k-1}\mathbf P_{k-1}\mathbf A_{k-1}^T + \mathbf Q_{k-1} \end{aligned} \]

where \(p(\mathbf x_k|\mathbf y_{1:k-1}) = \mathcal N(\mathbf x_k ; \mathbf m'_k, \mathbf P'_k)\), and the update step

\[ \begin{aligned} \mathbf v_k &= \mathbf y_k - \mathbf H_k \mathbf m'_k \\ \mathbf S_k &= \mathbf H_k \mathbf P'_k \mathbf H_k^T + \mathbf R_k \\ \mathbf K_k &= \mathbf P'_k \mathbf H^T_k \mathbf S_k^{-1}\\ \mathbf m_k &= \mathbf m'_k + \mathbf K_k \mathbf v_k\\ \mathbf P_k &= \mathbf P'_k - \mathbf K_k \mathbf S_k \mathbf K_k^T \end{aligned} \]

where \(p(\mathbf x_k|\mathbf y_{1:k}) = \mathcal N(\mathbf x_k ; \mathbf m_k, \mathbf P_k)\). The above equations can be computed in closed form as all the distributions are Gaussian.

If there are \(N\) observations, we need \(\mathcal O(N)\) steps of the predict-update procedure to get the final filtering distribution \(p(\mathbf x_N | \mathbf y_{1:N})\). In case of batched data, the computational complexity can be amortized to \(\mathcal O(B)\) where \(B\) is the batch size.

Bayesian Update as an Associative Operation

Consider the filtering distribution \(p(\mathbf x_2|\mathbf y_{1:2})\) at \(k=2\). It can be rewritten as

\[ \begin{aligned} p(\mathbf x_2 | \mathbf y_{1:2}) &= p(\mathbf x_2 | \mathbf y_1, \mathbf y_2)\frac{p(\mathbf y_2 | \mathbf y_1)}{p(\mathbf y_2 | \mathbf y_1)} \\ &= \frac{p(\mathbf x_2, \mathbf y_2 | \mathbf y_{1})}{p(\mathbf y_2 | \mathbf y_1)}\\ &= \frac{\int p(\mathbf x_2, \mathbf y_2 | \mathbf x_1, \mathbf y_{1}) p(\mathbf x_1 | \mathbf y_1) d\mathbf x_1}{\int p(\mathbf y_2 | \mathbf x_1, \mathbf y_1) p(\mathbf x_1 | \mathbf y_1) d\mathbf x_1} &&& \color{OrangeRed} \text{(marginalization)}\\ &= \frac{\int p(\mathbf x_2 | \mathbf y_2, \mathbf y_1, \mathbf x_1) p( \mathbf y_2 | \mathbf x_1, \mathbf y_1) p(\mathbf x_1 | \mathbf y_1) d\mathbf x_1}{\int p(\mathbf y_2 | \mathbf x_1, \mathbf y_1) p(\mathbf x_1 | \mathbf y_1) d\mathbf x_1} \\ &= \frac{\int p(\mathbf x_2 | \mathbf y_2, \mathbf x_1) p( \mathbf y_2 | \mathbf x_1) p(\mathbf x_1 | \mathbf y_1) d\mathbf x_1}{\int p(\mathbf y_2 | \mathbf x_1) p(\mathbf x_1 | \mathbf y_1) d\mathbf x_1} &&& \color{OrangeRed} \text{(due to Markov property)} \\ &= \frac{\int p( \mathbf y_2 | \mathbf x_1) p(\mathbf x_2 | \mathbf y_2, \mathbf x_1) p(\mathbf x_1 | \mathbf y_1, \mathbf x_0) d\mathbf x_1}{\int p(\mathbf y_2 | \mathbf x_1) p(\mathbf x_1 | \mathbf y_1, \mathbf x_0) d\mathbf x_1} &&& \big (p(\mathbf x_1 | \mathbf y_1, \mathbf x_0) = p(\mathbf x_1 | \mathbf y_1) \big ) \end{aligned} \]

The above equation can be expressed as the following by grouping terms

\[ p(\mathbf x_2 | \mathbf y_{1:2}) = \frac{\int \lambda_2 \phi_2 \phi_1 }{\int \lambda_2 \phi_1 } \]

Where \(\lambda_k = p(\mathbf y_k | \mathbf x_{k-1})\) and \(\phi_k = p(\mathbf x_k | \mathbf y_k, \mathbf x_{k-1})\). The marginal \(p(\mathbf y_{1:2})\) can be expressed as a marginalization over \(\mathbf x_1\) as

\[ \begin{aligned} p(\mathbf y_{1:2}) &= p(\mathbf y_1, \mathbf y_2) \\ &= \int p(\mathbf y_1, \mathbf y_2 | \mathbf x_1) d \mathbf x_1 \\ &= p(\mathbf y_1) \int p(\mathbf y_2 | \mathbf x_1) p(\mathbf x_1 | \mathbf y_1) d \mathbf x_1 \\ &= p(\mathbf y_1 | \mathbf x_0) \int p(\mathbf y_2 | \mathbf x_1) p(\mathbf x_1 | \mathbf y_1, \mathbf x_0) d \mathbf x_1 &&& \bigg (p(\mathbf y_1) = p(\mathbf y_1 | \mathbf x_0); p(\mathbf x_1 | \mathbf y_1) = p(\mathbf x_1 | \mathbf y_1, \mathbf x_0) \bigg )\\ &= \lambda_1 \int \lambda_2 \phi_1 \end{aligned} \]

Equations (6) and (8) can be combined to result

\[ \begin{pmatrix} \phi_1 \\ \lambda_1 \end{pmatrix} \otimes \begin{pmatrix} \phi_2 \\ \lambda_2 \end{pmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix} p(\mathbf x_2 | \mathbf y_{1:2}) \\ p(\mathbf y_{1:2}) \end{pmatrix} \]

The point of equations (6) to (9) is to sever the dependence of the filtering update on the previous hidden state \(\mathbf x\) as they depend only upon \(\mathbf x_1\). For instance,

\[ \begin{aligned} p(\mathbf x_2 | \mathbf y_{1:k}) &= \frac{\int p( \mathbf y_{2:k} | \mathbf x_1) p(\mathbf x_k | \mathbf y_{2:k}, \mathbf x_1) p(\mathbf x_1 | \mathbf y_1) d\mathbf x_1}{\int p(\mathbf y_{2:k} | \mathbf x_1) p(\mathbf x_1 | \mathbf y_1) d\mathbf x_1} \\ p(\mathbf y_{1:k}) &= p(\mathbf y_1) \int p(\mathbf y_{2:k} | \mathbf x_1) p(\mathbf x_1 | \mathbf y_1) d\mathbf x_1 \end{aligned} \]

In fact, this can be generalized to dependence upon any of the previous states \(\mathbf x_{k-l}\) for filtering at state \(\mathbf x_k\) [5]. By induction, we can generalize equation (9) to

\[ \begin{pmatrix} \phi_1 \\ \lambda_1 \end{pmatrix} \otimes \begin{pmatrix} \phi_2 \\ \lambda_2 \end{pmatrix} \otimes \cdots \otimes \begin{pmatrix} \phi_k \\ \lambda_k \end{pmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix} p(\mathbf x_k | \mathbf y_{1:k}) \\ p(\mathbf y_{1:k}) \end{pmatrix} \]

We now have an operator that can compute the filtering distribution from any given previous state and the set of observations. The \(\otimes\) operator defined above can be shown to be associative [6]. The associativity of the above Bayesian update (the filtering distribution is simply the posterior) shows that the order of the update does not matter. Note that, however, it is not commutative i.e. the conditionals cannot be swapped.

Associativity of Kalman filter.

One interesting aspect of this technique is that it computes the marginal \(p(\mathbf y_{1:k})\), which can be used for parameter estimation.

Parallel Scan Kalman Filtering

Parallelizing the Kalman filter now boils down to computing operands (the parameters for the expressions for \(\lambda_k\) and \(\phi_k\)) and the associative operator itself. The operands \((\phi_k, \lambda_k)\) can be expressed as the following Gaussians respectively.

\[ \begin{aligned} \phi_k &= p(\mathbf x_k | \mathbf y_k, \mathbf x_{k-1}) &&= \mathcal N (\mathbf x_k; \mathbf F_k \mathbf x_{k-1},\mathbf C_k) \\ \lambda_k &= p(\mathbf y_k | \mathbf x_{k-1}) &&= \mathcal N_I(\mathbf x_{k-1}; \eta_k, \mathbf J_k) \end{aligned} \]

Where \(\eta_k = \mathbf P_k^{-1}\mathbf m_k\) and \(\mathbf J_k = \mathbf P_k^{-1}\). \(\mathcal N_I\) is the information form of the Gaussian distribution where it is parameterized based on the inverse covariance matrix \(\mathbf P^{-1}\) for ease of computation - not requiring to invert matrices back and forth.

The equations for \(\phi_k\) are For \(k > 1\)

\[ \begin{aligned} \mathbf S_k &= \mathbf H_k \mathbf Q_{k-1} \mathbf H_k^T + \mathbf R_k \\ \mathbf K_k &= \mathbf Q_{k-1} \mathbf H_k^T \mathbf S_k^{-1} \\ \mathbf F_k &= \big (\mathbf I - \mathbf K_k \mathbf H_k \big )\mathbf A_{k-1}\\ \mathbf b_k &= \mathbf K_k\mathbf y_k \\ \mathbf C_k &= \big (\mathbf I - \mathbf K_k \mathbf H_k \big ) \mathbf Q_{k-1} \end{aligned} \]

with initial state \(k=1\) as

\[ \begin{aligned} \mathbf m_1^- &= \mathbf A_0 \mathbf m_0 \\ \mathbf P_1^- &= \mathbf A_0 \mathbf P_0 \mathbf A_0^T + \mathbf Q_0 \\ \mathbf S_1 &= \mathbf H_1\mathbf P_1^-\mathbf H_1^T + \mathbf R_1 \\ \mathbf K_1 &= \mathbf P_1^- \mathbf H_1^T \mathbf S_1^{-1} \\ \mathbf F_1 &= \mathbf 0 \\ \mathbf b_1 &= \mathbf m_1^- + \mathbf K_1 \big (\mathbf y_1 - \mathbf H_1 \mathbf m_1^- \big ) \\ \mathbf C_1 &= \mathbf P_1^- - \mathbf K_1 \mathbf S_1 \mathbf K_1^T \end{aligned} \]

And the equations for \(\lambda_k\) are

\[ \begin{aligned} \eta_k &= \mathbf A_{k-1}^T \mathbf H_k^T \mathbf S_k^{-1} \mathbf y_k \\ \mathbf J_k &= \mathbf A_{k-1}^T \mathbf H_k^T \mathbf S_k^{-1} \mathbf H_k \mathbf A_{k-1} \end{aligned} \]

In practice, operand for the associative operator \(\otimes\) is the tuple \(\mathbf a_k = \big ( \mathbf F_k, \mathbf b_k, \mathbf C_k, \eta_k, \mathbf J_k \big )\), also called the filtering element.

The operator \(\otimes\) can be computed as

\[ \begin{pmatrix} \phi_i \\ \lambda_i \end{pmatrix} \otimes \begin{pmatrix} \phi_j \\ \lambda_j \end{pmatrix} = \mathbf a_i \otimes \mathbf a_j = \mathbf a_{ij} \]


\[ \begin{aligned} \mathbf F_{ij} &= \mathbf F_j \big (\mathbf I + \mathbf C_i \mathbf J_j \big )^{-1} \mathbf F_i \\ \mathbf b_{ij} &= \mathbf F_j \big (\mathbf I + \mathbf C_i \mathbf J_j \big )^{-1} \big ( \mathbf b_i + \mathbf C_i \eta_j \big ) + \mathbf b_j \\ \mathbf C_{ij} &= \mathbf F_j (\mathbf I + \mathbf C_i \mathbf J_j \big )^{-1} \mathbf C_j \mathbf F_j^T + \mathbf C_j \\ \eta_{ij} &= \mathbf F_i^T (\mathbf I + \mathbf J_j \mathbf C_i \big )^{-1} \big (\eta_j - \mathbf J_j \mathbf b_i \big) + \eta_i \\ \mathbf J_{ij} &= \mathbf F_i^T (\mathbf I +\mathbf J_j \mathbf C_i \big )^{-1} \mathbf J_j \mathbf F_i + \mathbf J_i \end{aligned} \]


The JAX implementation is given below for both sequential and parallel Kalman filters using JAX's associative_scan. JAX has first class support for SIMD and SPMD programming through its vmap and pmap primitive respectively. The associative_scan is the primitive for the execution of any associative operation, and when used along with vmap, it yields the required parallelization.

from jax import vmap, jit
import jax.numpy as jnp
import jax.scipy as jsc
from jax.lax import associative_scan, scan

from collections import namedtuple
from typing import NamedTuple, Tuple

# Reference -

StateSpaceModel = namedtuple("StateSpaceModel", [
                             'A','H','Q','R',,'m0','P0','x_dim', 'y_dim'])

def sequential_kalman(model: NamedTuple, 
                      observations: jnp.array) -> Tuple:
    Implements sequential Kalman filter in O(N).

    def predict_update(carry, y) -> Tuple:
        m, P = carry

        # Predict - Equation (4)
        m = model.A @ m
        P = model.A @ P @ model.A.T + model.Q

        obs_mean = model.H @ m

        # Update - Equation (5)
        S = model.H @ P @ model.H.T + model.R
        # More efficient than jsc.lingalg.inv(S)
        K = jsc.linalg.solve(S, model.H @ P, sym_pos=True).T  
        m = m + K @ (y - model.H @ m)
        P = P - K @ S @ K.T

        return (m, P), (m, P)   # carry is basically the previous state
    # Perform predict and update alternatively from
    # the initial state (prior) and the observations.
    _, (fms, fPs) = scan(predict_update, 
                         (model.m0, model.P0), 
    return fms, fPs
def parallel_kalman(model: NamedTuple, y: jnp.array) -> Tuple:
    Implements the parallel Kalman filter in O(log N).
    # Filtering elements for k=1
    def first_filtering_element(model: NamedTuple, 
                                y_0: jnp.array) -> Tuple:
        Computes the first filtering element (k = 1).
        # Equation (14)
        m1 = model.A @ model.m0
        P1 = model.A @ model.P0 @ model.A.T + model.Q
        S1 = model.H @ model.P @ model.H.T + model.R
        K1 = jsc.linalg.solve(S1, model.H @ P1, sym_pos=True).T

        F = jnp.zeros_like(model.A)
        b = m1 + K1 @ (y - model.H @ m1)
        C = P1 - K1 @ S1 @ K1.T

        # Equation (15)
        S = model.H @ model.Q @ model.H.T + model.R
        CF, low = jsc.linalg.cho_factor(S)
        eta = model.A.T @ model.H.T @ jsc.linalg.cho_solve((CF, low), 
        J = model.A.T @ model.H.T @ jsc.linalg.cho_solve((CF, low), 
                                                          model.H @ model.A)

        return (F, b, C, eta, J)

    def filter_elements(model: NamedTuple, y: jnp.array) -> Tuple:
        Computes the generic filtering element
        for k > 1.

        # Equation (13)
        S = model.H @ model.Q @ model.H.T + model.R
        CF, low = jsc.linalg.cho_factor(S)
        K = jsc.linalg.cho_solve((CF, low), model.H @ model.Q).T
        F = model.A - K @ model.H @ model.A
        b = K @ y
        C = model.Q - K @ model.H @ model.Q

        # Equation (15)
        eta = model.A.T @ model.H.T @ jsc.linalg.cho_solve((CF, low), y)
        J = model.A.T @ model.H.T @ jsc.linalg.cho_solve((CF, low), 
                                                         model.H @ model.A)

        return (F, b, C, eta, J)

    @vmap  # SIMD parallelization
    def operator(a_1: Tuple, a_2: Tuple) -> Tuple:
        Associative operator that computes a_1 ⊗ a_2
        # Equation (17)
        F1, b1, C1, eta1, J1 = a_1
        F2, b2, C2, eta2, J2 = a_2

        I = jnp.eye(F1.shape[0])

        I_C1J2 = I + C1 @ J2
        tmp = jsc.linalg.solve(I_C1J2.T, F2.T, sym_pos=True).T
        F = tmp @ F1
        b = tmp @ (b1 + C1 @ eta2) + b2
        C = tmp @ C1 @ F2.T + C2

        I_J2C1 = I + J2 @ C1
        tmp = jsc.linalg.solve(I_J2C1.T, F1, sym_pos=True).T

        eta = tmp @ (eta2 - J2 @ b1) + eta1
        J = tmp @ J2 @ F1 + J1

        return (F, b, C, eta, J)

    # ==================================
    a_1 = first_filtering_element(model, y[0])

    # Compute all the filtering elements in parallel
    a_k = vmap(lambda x: filter_elements(model, x))(y[1:])

    initial_elements = tuple(
        jnp.concatenate([jnp.expand_dims(a_i, 0), a_j]) for a_i, a_j in zip(a_1, a_k)

    # Compute a_1 ⊗ a_2 ⊗ ... ⊗ a_k in parallel
    filtered_elements = associative_scan(operator, initial_elements)

    return filtered_elements[1], filter_elements[2]  # We only need b, C

The above parallelizing technique is applicable in a range of problems - wherever the Bayesian update is done over a sequence of measurements. The Gaussian version of the Bayesian smoother (Kalman filter being the Gaussian version of the Bayesian filter), called as the Rauch-Tung-Stribel (RTS) smoother, can similarly be parallelized.

Note: A question needs to be addressed here - Should you parallelize Kalman filter as discussed? The honest answer is NO. There are some practical concerns with this method. The filtering operator and the computation of the elements themselves are computationally more intensive than the original Kalman filter. In parallel-programming parlance, it is not work-efficient. So, this computational overhead (a constant factor) needs to be considered. The above vectorization may not be suitable for all computer architectures and actual parallelization should depend on the architecture. Finally, the JAX's JIT compilation (or any other JIT compilation) poses a considerable overhead, although this is only a one-time overhead. The sequential implementation in \(\mathcal O(N)\) is already fast enough for most practical purposes.

That being said, the implications of this parallelization are quite significant. For problems of high computational complexity, this parallelization may be of great help. An example of such an application is to speed up temporal Gaussian processes (they can be shown to be directly related to Kalman filters).

[1] A detailed discussion of the parallel prefix-sum algorithm can be found here.

[2] The technique discussed here was originally proposed in this paper.
[3] The two distributions are actually a simplification. The more general solution would be the join posterior \(p(\mathbf x_{0:T}|\mathbf y_{1:T})\) over a period of measurements \(1, \cdots,T\). However, this is practically intractable and not scalable. So, the problem is reduced to computing only the marginals - filtering, prediction, and smoothing distributions. Kalman filter addresses the former two, while the Rauch-Tung-Striebel smoother addresses the latter.
[4] Highly recommend Simo Särkkä's book Bayesian Filtering and Smoothing for a detailed discussion of Kalman filter and other Bayesian filtering techniques. The book can be freely accessed here. The derivation for the equations provided here can be found in the book in Chapter 4, section 4.3.
[5] This is possible mainly due to the Markov property.
[6] The proof of the associativity can be found in the appendix of this paper.

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